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Anthropology Museum Shares Its Treasures

Masks from the Kuba Kingdom of Zaire and Australian bark paintings are among the many never-before exhibited objects included in “Treasures from Wake Forest University’s Museum of Anthropology.” The exhibit, which runs from Sept. 20 through March 1, 1997, includes archeological and ethnographic pieces from the Americas, Asia, Africa and the Pacific.

Admission to the exhibit, which is part of Wake Forest’s celebration of the Year of the Arts, is free.

“Many of the objects are considered valuable and important according to Western aesthetic sensibilities, while others are considered works of art or are held in great esteem for other reasons by the cultures which produced them,” said Dr. Mary Jane Berman, director of the museum.

Several of the displayed items were gifts from Winston-Salem arts patron Gordon Hanes, other local art collectors and the Wachovia Historical Society. The exhibit will feature a special section called “Tiny Treasures,” miniature objects from the museum’s collections.

A series of events offered in conjunction with the exhibit will include a workshop for educators, “Get Real! Reading Objects: Building Bridges Across the Curriculum,” Oct. 4-5. A presentation by a Cherokee storyteller and carver will be held from 1-5 p.m., Nov. 2. These and other programs scheduled for 1997 are funded by a grant from the Winston-Salem Foundation.

The exhibit was curated and installed by Beverlye Hancock, curator of education. Anthropology students Rebecca Benedum, Katherine Broadway and Shannon Poe-Kennedy assisted in the research and installation of the exhibit.

The “Treasures” exhibit is part of Wake Forest University’s celebration of the Year of the Arts.

The Museum of Anthropology is located behind the track stadium on the Wake Forest campus. Museum hours are Tuesday-Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. For more information, call 759-5282.

Categories: Community Impact, Happening at Wake, University Announcements


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Cheryl Walker