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WFU Police Receive State Grant

The Governor’s Crime Commission awarded University Police a two-year grant worth up to $68,202 for upgrading the department’s computer system.

The grant will be used to buy a multi-user computer system, including software and six personal computers, said Ken Overholt, assistant University Police chief.

The new system will link the data bases for traffic and crime records and enhance the department’s efficiency by providing rapid access to records, quicker responses to informational requests and computer tracking of evidence.

Overholt, who wrote the grant proposal, also hopes to buy three laptop computers for the department. Similar to the personal computers, laptops will help streamline departmental work, he said. For example, officers could use the computers for typing reports directly into the records system from their patrol cars. Currently, officers prepare hand-written reports and a clerk updates the computer files.

The grant funds are appropriated from the U.S. Justice Department and administered through the Governor’s Crime Commission, a division of the North Carolina Department of Crime Control and Public Safety. As a matching grant, the university will contribute 25 cents for every 75 cents of federal money.

The funds will be dispersed as equipment is purchased, said Overholt, adding he would like to have the technology in place by 1997.

Categories: Campus Life, University Announcements


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