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Dance Company’s Fall Concert to Feature Guest Artists

Local guest artists will join the 16-member Wake Forest University Dance Company for a fall dance concert Nov. 21-23 at the Main Stage Theater on the Wake Forest campus.

The program will feature works choreographed by several faculty and guest artists, including “Take Five,” a new piece by the dance companyís artistic director, Nina Lucas.

Five dance selections will feature the Wake Forest Dance Company. “Napoli,” a traditional ballet piece, was staged by former American Ballet Dance Theatre member Fanchon Cordell. Three students’ Michele Hallor, Ann Horsley, and Aurora Smith– have solo parts in the piece.

“Spaces,” a modern dance work choreographed by Diane Markham, assistant dean of the North Carolina School of the Arts, will highlight four Wake Forest dancers. Andre Tyson, a guest faculty member at the North Carolina School of the Arts and former Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre dancer, also has worked with the company to stage his work, “Invitation (Ritual of Remembrance).” The program will conclude with a modern dance piece by Ronen Koresh, a teacher at Philadelphiaís University of the Arts. Koresh spent a week at Wake Forest this fall to set the piece.

Two selections will showcase dance performances by three guest artists. Robert Simpson, director of the Biltmore Dance Studio in High Point, will perform the”Cha-Cha Del Guitaro” with dance partner, Donna Nussman. The pair has won awards in ballroom dance competitions.

Another piece will feature Shawn Bowman-Hicks, a dancer with Jan Van Dyke and AHA! Dance. Bowman-Hicks will perform “Redemption,” a one-woman piece she choreographed based on American folk tunes. She will be accompanied by vocalist Martha Bassett.

All performances begin at 8 p.m. Admission is $10; $5 for students. For information, call 910-759-5294.

Categories: Arts & Culture, Happening at Wake


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Cheryl Walker