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Stories this week at Wake Forest

Professors/Students to Read for Hunger Benefit

As part of Writers Harvest, a nationwide literary benefit for hunger relief, professors and students from Wake Forest University will read poetry and prose at 7 p.m. tonight in Scales Fine Arts Center, Room 102. Arranged by Wake Forest poet-in-residence Jane Mead, the local event will raise money for the Food Bank of Northwest North Carolina.

Children of Divorce Can Adjust Well

Based on a study of 365 post-divorce families, divorce doesn’t have to lead to unhappy lives for children, says psychology professor Christy Buchanan. Co-author of the recently published book, “Adolescents After Divorce,” Buchanan can offer good advice to parents on ways to enhance a child’s chances of adjusting well after a parental divorce. Her book addresses what factors predict better and worse adjustments for adolescents.

Avoiding Fights at Family Feasts

Strained family relationships can make Thanksgiving get-togethers fights as well as feasts, says Samuel T. Gladding, professor of counselor education at Wake Forest and a well-known family counseling expert. But, Gladding says there are positive ways to respond to difficult family members. Among them: anticipate the worst, rehearse responses to those situations and avoid being drawn into negative conversation. Compliments can also help reduce tension and make the annual holiday more enjoyable.

Elementary School Students to Learn Printmaking

Twenty-five fourth-graders from Sherwood Forest Elementary School will take part in a printmaking workshop at Wake Forest from 12:30-2:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 18, and Wednesday, Nov. 20. Led by art professor David Faber in Wake Forest’s printmaking studio, each student will make a one-of-a-kind multicolored monotype print. Part of the university’s Year of the Arts, the community outreach effort also ties in with Sherwood Forest’s designation as a “Science and Visual Arts” theme school.

Categories: Community Impact, Experiential Learning, Research & Discovery


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Cheryl Walker