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Stories this week at Wake Forest

Spirituality and Volunteerism Connected

To explore the link between volunteerism and spirituality, Wake Forest will host a conference April 11-12 in Benson University Center, Room 401. Organized by Wake Forest students, faculty and campus ministers, the “Spirituality and Volunteerism” conference will feature guest speakers, panel discussions, breakout groups and exhibits by area service organizations. The event is open to the public. Taylor Field, the founder of East 7th Baptist Ministry in New York City, and Marie-Louise Ramsdale, founding executive director of City Year Columbia (a service and leadership organization for young adults in South Carolina), will be among the featured speakers.

Technology Aids Student Job Search

Students are beginning to use new technology to land their first jobs. Preliminary face-to-face interviews via computer are among the ways technology is enhancing the job hunt for Wake Forest students. Job-seekers also actively use the university’s Career Services web site to scan job listings, learn about internships and research companies.

Students Travel to Non-Traditional Places

Students who have traditionally studied abroad in Europe are choosing more exotic locales. In December, the Associated Press reported that more college students are studying in less traditional locations and Wake Forest reflects the trend. According to Wake Forest’s Office of International Studies, Israel, Japan, China, Australia, Africa, and Latin America are increasingly popular destinations for the 30 percent of Wake Forest students who study abroad. One senior, who studied in China last fall, will display black-and-white photographs of his travels in the coal-mining town of Datong in an exhibition on the University Plaza April 11 and 12.

Categories: Arts & Culture, Experiential Learning, Happening at Wake


Media Contact

Cheryl Walker