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Stories this week at Wake Forest

Gandhi’s Grandson Preaches Nonviolence

Arun Gandhi, grandson of Mahatma Gandhi, will visit the Wake Forest campus Thursday, Oct. 16, to present “The 21st Century is Coming, But Where are we Going?” Founder of the M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence in Memphis, Tenn., Gandhi will present the 8 p.m. lecture on non-violence in Brendle Recital Hall. Immediately following the lecture, he will also sign copies of his book,”A Testament to Truth,” a collection of his grandfather’s writings recently published by HarperCollins.

Sacred Dance of India

Prema Dasara, an international teacher and performer of sacred dance, will present a discussion and demonstration Tuesday, Oct. 14. The free event will run from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. in the Benson University Center’s rotunda. Dasara, who has studied the traditions of India, Nepal, Tibet and Bali, has created dances based on the prayers and practices of ancient Tibetan Buddhism. Dasara’s demonstration is part of the Benson University Center’s Discovery Series.

Colorful Art Work Looks Like Stained Glass

The 21 X 23-foot window in the fine arts gallery will become a canvas for a large-scale work of art featuring colorful second-hand clothing. The guest artist, Jane Mulfinger, will install the piece from 9:30 a.m to 12 p.m. Friday, Oct. 10. From inside the gallery, light shining through the window will create an effect much like stained glass. The exhibit, “Lost for Words,” opens Tuesday, Oct. 14. Good opportunity for photographers.

Categories: Arts & Culture, Happening at Wake


Media Contact

Cheryl Walker