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Stories this week at Wake Forest

Lovefeast Tradition Continues

More than 2,300 students, professors, alumni and members of the community are expected to fill Wait Chapel for the annual Christmas Lovefeast. The event begins at 8 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 7, but many will arrive early to enjoy the luminaries leading to the chapel and carillon music performed by John Acker. The Messiah Moravian Band and the university’s concert choir, flute choir and handbell choir will perform during the candlelight service. Nola Reed Knouse, director of the Moravian Music Foundation, will assist Chaplain Ed Christman in conducting the service. Fifty-six faculty and students will serve the traditional coffee and Moravian buns.

Choral Concert Is Popular Holiday Event

Three Wake Forest University choirs will present a free holiday concert at 8 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 4, in Brendle Recital Hall. The Choral Union, the Collegium Vocal Ensemble and the Concert Choir will present a musical hour of carols and seasonal selections. The combined ensembles will sing “For Unto Us a Child is Born” from Handel’s “Messiah” and invite the audience to join the singers in closing the concert with “Hallelujah” from the same piece.

Students Host “Santa Saturday”

More than 125 children from the Downtown Church Center, Head Start and other community organizations will make decorations and Christmas cards, bake cookies and play games with Wake Forest students at the annual “Santa Saturday” Christmas party Dec. 6. After sharing their wish lists, the children may select gifts for their families from a “shop” filled with donated gifts. Sponsored by the Volunteer Service Corps, the event runs from 1-3 p.m. on the fourth floor of Benson University Center.

Expert Available on Independent Counsel

Wake Forest politics professor Katy Harriger can comment on Attorney General Janet Reno’s decision not to call for an independent counsel to investigate campaign fundraising. Since the publication of her book, “Independent Justice: The Federal Special Prosecutor in American Politics,” Harriger has earned a national reputation for her expertise on the independent counsel system. To arrange an interview, contact the News Bureau.

Categories: Arts & Culture, Campus Life, Community Impact, Happening at Wake


Media Contact

Cheryl Walker