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Stories this week at Wake Forest

Do Looks Make a Difference on the Job?

Employment expert and economist Daniel Hamermesh will present “The Economics of Beauty,” a look at how physical appearance can influence wages and other economic outcomes, on Monday, March 30. The free, public lecture sponsored by the Wake Forest economics department is from 4 to 5 p.m. in the Annenburg Forum, first floor of Carswell Hall. Hamermesh, an economics professor at the University of Texas at Austin, has received national media attention for his research projects.

Hoppin’ Down the Bunny Trail

A Wake Forest sorority and fraternity will entertain community children with an Easter Egg Hunt on the Quad Sunday, April 5, from 2-4 p.m. Balloon animals, magic tricks, carnival games and a visit by the Easter Bunny will highlight the event. Kappa Alpha Theta sorority and Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity are sponsoring the festivities. Children have been invited from communitiy agencies and from local schools where Wake Forest students tutor.

Promenade Passion Play on Palm Sunday

On Palm Sunday, more than 80 members of the Wake Forest community will perform the Passion Play the way it would have been done in the Middle Ages-outdoors without a stage. Seventy-five minute performances, directed by James Dodding, will be held at 6:30 p.m. April 5, 6 and 7. For the “promenade” production of the Passion Play, episodes in Christ’s life will be set at different campus locations.

Sackbut and Shawm: Old World Instruments

Stewart Carter, Wake Forest music professor and well-known expert on early music, prefers the medieval ancestors of modern musical instruments. He can demonstrate the sackbut, an early trombone, the shawm, an early oboe, and several other 15th and 16th century instruments. On April 7, Carter will conduct a performance of the Collegium Musicum, a student group that performs on these early instruments. He also performs with the Wake Forest Consort, a group of music faculty devoted to the performance of early music using reproductions of period instruments.

Categories: Arts & Culture, Campus Life, Community Impact, Happening at Wake, Research & Discovery


Media Contact

Cheryl Walker