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Stories this week at Wake Forest

The Big Chill: Polar Explorer to Visit Triad

Ann Bancroft, the first woman to travel across the ice to both the North and South poles, will speak at 7 p.m. Monday, April 20, in Benson University Center’s Pugh Auditorium. The public event is part of The Western Triad Science & Math Alliance’s local observance of National Science & Technology Week (April 26-May 2). While in the Triad, Bancroft will also speak at Reynolds High School to hundreds of students from across North Carolina in a “Get Set, Go” program sponsored by the Alliance and Wake Forest University. “Get Set, Go” is a school-based program designed to increase the number of girls taking science-related courses and entering scientific careers. The alliance is an affiliated program of Wake Forest. Direct any Bancroft interview requests to Jackie Hundt, director of The Western Triad Science & Mathematics Alliance, at (336) 748-5900.

Road Race to Help Tornado Victims

Wake Forest University’s Army ROTC is sponsoring the 5K Gold Bar Run on Friday, April 17, to raise disaster relief funds for tornado victims in Stoneville. Race proceeds will go to the American Red Cross for its relief efforts in Stoneville. The run is open to the public and will include two races: a 5K relay race at 4:30 p.m. and an individual 5K at 5:30 p.m. All races start at the athletic field across from the university’s Worrell Professional Center.

Curtain to Close on Director’s Career

After 32 years as director of Wake Forest University Theater, Harold Tedford will retire in May. The “Hark the Harold” gala at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, April 18, in Brendle Recital Hall will bring together students, alumni, faculty and community members to celebrate his career. The event will follow an afternoon matinee production of Moliere’s “Tartuffe” directed by Tedford. Coverage of the gala is invited.

Tech Fair to Showcase Computer Uses

Approximately 40 professors will be on hand at a Wake Forest Tech Fair to show how they are using computers in the classroom. In many cases, the faculty will be accompanied by students who are part of the Student Technology Advisors (STARS) program, which pairs tech-savvy students with faculty looking for help in exploring ways to use computers in their teaching. Reporters and photographers are invited to the event, which will be held from 4-6 p.m. Wednesday, April 29, in Benson University Center.

Categories: Arts & Culture, Experiential Learning, Happening at Wake


Media Contact

Cheryl Walker