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Guest carillonneur to play for outdoor concert

A guest carillonneur from the Netherlands will present an early evening concert on the campus of Wake Forest University from 6-7 p.m. on Sunday, July 18.

Marcel Siebers, an award-winning composer of carillon music and acclaimed performer, will play 20th century Dutch and Flemish preludes and a concerto by Joseph Haydn.

Those who attend the concert are encouraged to bring lawn chairs and pack a picnic for the free, outdoor event. The best place to hear the carillon will be on the University Plaza in front of Wait Chapel.

Siebers received his performing arts diploma from the Dutch Carillon School and has performed carillon recitals in the United States as well as Europe. He also studied piano at the Arnhem Conservatory where he earned a master’s degree.

Wake Forest’s 48-bell Janet Jeffrey Carlile Harris carillon, located in the tower of Wait Chapel, is one of five traditional carillon in North Carolina. To be counted as a traditional carillon, according to the Guild of Carilloneurs of North America, the instrument must have at least 23 bells. The total weight of the bells in Wake Forest’s carillon is more than 11 tons. The largest bell weighs 4,400 pounds.

Categories: Arts & Culture, Happening at Wake


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Cheryl Walker