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Media invited to cover WFU conference on Baptist studies

The media are invited to cover the Second International Conference on Baptist Studies July 19 through 22 at Wake Forest University.

Titled “Baptists in the 20th Century: A Retrospective,” the conference is drawing Baptist scholars from around the world to reflect on Baptist thought in the 20th century.

One of the conference’s organizers is Bill J. Leonard, dean of the Wake Forest Divinity School. Leonard is available to talk with reporters in advance of and during the conference. Please call the News Service for assistance in contacting Leonard. The News Service can also provide details on the conference’s entire schedule.

Most of the conference activity will take place in Wait Chapel and the adjoining Wingate Hall (home of the divinity school). Worship services, lectures and scholarly paper presentations are free and open to the public.

The conference will open at 8 p.m. July 19 with a lecture by Pastor Emeritus Gardner Taylor of Concord Baptist Church in Brooklyn, N.Y. Taylor’s lecture in Wait Chapel is titled, “A Benediction for Baptists.”

Categories: Happening at Wake, University Announcements


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