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On-line lottery planned for debate tickets

Wake Forest University is developing an on-line lottery for tickets to the Oct. 11 presidential debate scheduled for Wait Chapel.

“We don’t know if tickets will be available, but we will hold a lottery in case the Commission on Presidential Debates offers us some for the university community,” said Claudia Kairoff, associate dean of the undergraduate College.

The commission will provide tickets for the news media, debate sponsors and the political parties represented by the candidates. So far, the commission has not announced any tickets for the university.

Students, faculty, staff and administrators from the undergraduate, graduate and professional schools on the Reynolda and Bowman Gray campuses will be welcome to participate in the lottery.

On-line registration will begin Sept. 15 and continue through Oct. 2. The university’s Information Systems department is developing the lottery process. If tickets become available, ticket winners will be announced a couple of days before the debate.

“We don’t know if we will have 15 tickets or 100 tickets,” Kairoff said. “There is a possibility that none will be available.”

The tickets will be apportioned according to the size of each school’s enrollment, as was the case in 1988.

Additional details on how to participate in the on-line lottery will be announced at a later date. Any updates will be posted on the university’s special Web site for the debate at

Categories: University Announcements


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