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Area media invited to weekend presentation on debate at Wake Forest

The news media are invited to Wake Forest University on Saturday, Oct. 7, to hear a presentation by representatives of the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD).

The group will gather at 10 a.m. in front of the Benson University Center, which will serve as the media center for the Oct. 11 presidential debate at Wake Forest.

Joani Komlos, the CPD’s media director, will speak to the media and take questions. The information session will be similar to one in September presented by Komlos and the CPD at Wake Forest.

The Wake Forest News Service will also be present.

Parking on campus will be limited, due to debate preparations. For this meeting, special arrangements have been made for the news media to park in Lot B, between Taylor and Davis residence halls. The lot is on the western side of the Quad, along Wake Forest Road. It is a short walk from the lot to the Benson Center.

In addition, parking for the news media will be available Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 7 and 8, in Lot W2, at the intersection of Wingate Road and Carroll Weathers Drive.

Access to Lot W2 is from Carroll Weathers Drive. Entering campus from Polo Road, turn left onto Carroll Weathers Drive, and then left into the parking lot.

Categories: Happening at Wake, University Announcements


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