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Several sources available for details on weather-related closings, delays

In the event of bad weather, Wake Forest University students, faculty and staff will have several places to go this winter for news about Reynolda Campus responses to the weather.

The Wake Forest News Service will provide local radio stations WFDD (88.5 FM) and WSJS (600 AM) with timely updates on any campus closings or delays due to inclement weather. Both stations routinely announce weather-related closings and delays for schools and business in this area.

Students, faculty and staff with campus voice mail may call their mailboxes for announcements by the News Service. In most cases, the News Service will also distribute announcements by e-mail to the campus community.

The News Service also maintains a special phone line for weather-related announcements. The number is 758-5935. Recorded messages are frequently updated on the line.

Generally, the News Service also regularly updates the university’s information desk in Benson University Center, which can be reached at 758-5255.

The 2000-2001 Reynolda Campus telephone directory provides numbers that the entire campus community may call to be informed about weather-related closings and delays. The numbers are located on the first page, under “Emergency Numbers.” The phone book includes special numbers for Babcock Graduate School and School of Law students to call.

To keep University Police telephone lines open for emergency calls, Reynolda Campus students, faculty and staff are encouraged not to call police for information about campus plans during snowy or icy weather.

Categories: Campus Life, Experiential Learning, Research & Discovery, University Announcements


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Wake Forest News