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WFU writers reading series fall semester calendar begins with poet Carl Phillips

The Wake Forest University Writers Reading series begins Oct. 11 with a poetry reading by Carl Phillips. Other writers participating include Julie Edelson, Ted Genoways and Joe Ashby Porter. All of the readings will take place at 6 p.m. in Tribble Hall, Room A108, and will be followed by a booksigning and reception. They are free and open to the public.

Phillips is the author of five collections of poetry, including the recent “The Tether.” His book, “From the Devotions” was a finalist for the National Book Award.

Edelson is the author of four novels, including the recent, “Courting Disaster” and “Kinder, Kunst, Und Katastrophe.” She is a writer and editor for the Division of Research Programs and Partnerships at Wake Forest. Edelson will read from her fiction on Oct. 30.

Genoways, a poet and translator, will speak Nov. 15. His book-length series of poems, “Bullroarer,” won the Norse Poetry Prize. It will be released in November.

Porter, a fiction writer, will read on Nov. 27. He has written two collections of short stories, “The Kentucky Stories” and “Lithuania,” and the novels – “Eelgrass” and “Resident Aliens.” He is a professor of English at Duke University.

For more information about the Writers Reading Series, e-mail Jane Mead at, or call 336-758-5382. The series’ Web page is

Categories: Arts & Culture, Happening at Wake


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