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Wake Forest students, parents, faculty and staff raise $10,000 for Sept. 11 relief efforts

Wake Forest University students, faculty and staff raised more than $10,000 during a recent campus-wide fund drive that will benefit charities supporting victims of the Sept. 11 terrorist attack on America. The Wake Forest Volunteer Service Corps organized the project that drew more than 1,000 student participants.

“We were very impressed at the number of people campus-wide who chose to participate,” said Sarah Mastalir, a Wake Forest junior from Denver, Colo. “The fact that we raised so much money is wonderful because the people who have been impacted by this horrible tragedy deserve our support.”

The fund drive was part of the Year of Unity and Hope at Wake Forest. This student-organized theme year offers educational and service opportunities relating to the events of Sept. 11 through programs like the fund drive, panel discussions and poetry readings.

The fund drive was held between Sept. 11 and Oct. 15. Campus organizations, classes and student groups representing residence halls held separate fund-raisers for the project. For example, residents of Huffman Residence Hall held a potluck dinner and members of several choral groups held a benefit concert.

Of the $10,000 raised, $9,600 will go to The Sept. 11 Fund set up by the United Way and the New York Community Trust. The remaining $400 will go to the American Red Cross, as designated by individual donors.

Categories: Community Impact, University Announcements


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