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Writers Reading Series features reading by short story author Joe Ashby Porter

Joe Ashby Porter will read from his collections of short stories Nov. 27 as part of the Wake Forest University Writers Reading Series at 6 p.m. in Tribble Hall, Room A108. The event will be followed by a booksigning and reception. It is free and open to the public.

Porter, a professor of English at Duke University, has written two collections of short stories – “The Kentucky Stories” and “Lithuania.” His novels include “Eelgrass” and the recently released “Resident Aliens.”

In a review of “Resident Aliens,” novelist Jaimy Gordon wrote, “Everything except the language is French about this delightful novel of the American seventies.” Gordon called Porter’s writing, “civilized, crystalline prose.” Gordon is the author of “Bogey Woman” and “She Drove Without Stopping.”

For more information about the Writers Reading Series, e-mail Jane Mead at, or call 336-758-5382.

Categories: Arts & Culture, Happening at Wake


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