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Student-directed plays to be performed at Wake Forest in February

The spring Wake Forest University Theatre Studio Series will feature two one-act plays directed by theatre students. Performances of “Buck Simple” and “Only Dreams” will be held Feb. 4 at 7:30 p.m. and Feb. 5 at 4:30 p.m. in the Ring Theatre inside the Scales Fine Arts Center. The shows are open to the public and tickets will be sold at the door for $2.

Senior Amber Wiley will direct “Buck Simple,” a comedy written by Craig Fols. The show tells the story of movie stars Buck Harwood, played by Andrew Rinehart, and Lois O’Dare, played by Sarah Wynne, who are the third-biggest box office team in the country. On this day, however, they have had a falling out, and Lois has disappeared. Buck and his agent, Leo, played by Scotty Candler, wait anxiously in their dressing room at the Hollywood Bowl minutes before showtime. Lois finally arrives – but will she remain in the partnership or leave Buck high and dry?

Senior Sarah Storminger will direct “Only Dreams,” written by William Alba Righ. The show is about a young married couple making their way through the world when strange things begin to happen. According to Josh, played by senior Derek West, something is wrong with his wife, Rachel. Rachel, played by junior Brooke Watson, struggles with this as everyone wonders what it is that she sees, and if it is real.

For information call 758-5295.

Categories: Arts & Culture, Experiential Learning, Happening at Wake


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