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WFU names director of new Pro Humanitate Center

Betsy TaylorWake Forest University has named Betsy Taylor director of its new Pro Humanitate Center. Taylor will begin July 15.

The Pro Humanitate Center, which takes its name from the university’s motto, is being established through a $1.9 million grant from the Lilly Endowment. As director of the center, Taylor will play a central role in coordinating and helping to lead all activities funded by the grant.

The Pro Humanitate Center will aid students in exploring the influence that values, ideals, human service experiences and faith can have on their careers and lives. The grant will also provide opportunities for students to investigate and prepare for careers in the ministry and public service.

“The purpose of the Pro Humanitate Center is to nurture a sense of vocation in students, whatever their careers may be,” said Bill Leonard, dean of Wake Forest’s Divinity School and an administrator of the Lilly grant.

Taylor earned a bachelor’s degree in history from the University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill and received her doctorate in counseling psychology from the same institution in 1992. For 10 years she has been a psychologist with Wake Forest’s counseling center.

“With her energy, enthusiasm and knowledge of Wake Forest students, Betsy Taylor is an outstanding choice for director of the Pro Humanitate Center,” said Paul Escott, dean of the undergraduate college and co-administrator of the grant.

Founded in 1937, the Lilly Endowment is a private, family foundation that supports the causes of religion, community development and education.

Categories: Pro Humanitate, Research & Discovery, University Announcements


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Cheryl Walker