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Authors of ‘Demon Deacon Hoops,’ N.C. BBQ Book to sign books at WFU Oct. 12

Larry Lawing, author of “Demon Deacon Hoops: History of Wake Forest Basketball in the Twentieth Century,” and Jim Early, author of “The Best Tarheel Barbecue, Manteo to Murphy,” will each sign copies of their books at Wake Forest University Oct. 12.

Early, a Wake Forest alumnus and Winston-Salem resident, will sign copies of “The Best Tarheel Barbecue” from 10 a.m. to noon on University Plaza, during the university’s Festival on the Quad celebration of homecoming.

Lawing, a Winston-Salem resident who earned a master’s degree at Wake Forest, will sign copies of “Demon Deacon Hoops” in the Campus Book Store from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Categories: Arts & Culture, Community Impact, Happening at Wake


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