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Advisory: Halloween volunteers provide tricks and treats at WFU

Note to Editors: Although the media is welcome, Project Pumpkin is held specifically to benefit local children from invited agencies and is not open to the general public.

Nearly 1,500 local children from about 35 community agencies will take part in Project Pumpkin, an annual event sponsored by the Wake Forest University Volunteer Service Corps, Oct. 31 from 3 – 6 p.m. Most events will take place on University Plaza (Quad) between Wait Chapel and Reynolda Hall.

More than 1,500 costumed student volunteers will help with Project Pumpkin. They will escort children through decorated residence halls for trick-or-treating, take them through haunted houses, and help them play carnival games.

Project Pumpkin chairperson and Wake Forest senior, Sarah Mastalir, will be available for interviews as well as Project Pumpkin committee chairs. Representatives from participating agencies will also be available to make comments.

The media is invited, but the event is not open to the public. Check in at the media table in front of Wait Chapel to receive a press kit and to find out which children cannot be photographed. For more information, call the News Service 336-758-5237.

Categories: University Announcements


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