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Israel-Palestine relations focus of next WFU Sept. 11 lecture

Bernard WassersteinBernard Wasserstein, professor of modern history at the University of Glasgow, will give a free public lecture titled “Israel and Palestine: Why They Fight and Can They Stop?” at Wake Forest University at 7 p.m. Nov. 21. The lecture will be held in the law auditorium of the university’s Worrell Professional Center.

The event, sponsored by the university’s political science department, is the fourth in the year-long series “Living With the Legacy of Sept. 11.” More than 300 students and residents turned out for the three previous lectures to listen to a variety of experts talk about topics ranging from India-Pakistan relations to the growing role of Islam in the world.

Wasserstein, an internationally recognized expert on Israel and the Middle East, is currently a visiting fellow at the National Humanities Center in Raleigh’s Research Triangle Park. He is the author of more than five books about Jews, Israel or Palestine, and the lecture is taken from his forthcoming book of the same name.

He has served as a visiting lecturer in history and international relations at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, where he also served for a year as a visiting fellow. In addition, he has been a professor of history and dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences at Brandeis University.

Wasserstein’s books include “Divided Jerusalem: The Struggle for the Holy City” and “The British in Palestine: The Mandatory Government and the Arab-Jewish Conflict 1917-1929.”

The ongoing lecture series is funded through an endowment created by C.H. Richards, founder of Wake Forest’s political science department. The talks have been organized around the central theme of “Remembering Sept. 11: Making the Move from Grief and Anger to Understanding and Action.”

Categories: Happening at Wake


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