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West African dance and drum group to kick off student fund-raising project

The West African Dance CompanyThe West African Dance Company and Djembe Orchestra will perform in Wake Forest University’s Wait Chapel at 8 p.m. April 10. The event is sponsored by Project Bokonon, a Wake Forest student-led nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide better health care to the residents of Benin, West Africa. It is free and open to the public.

The West African Dance Company and Djembe (drum) Orchestra is comprised of around 50 students from Vine Middle Performing Arts and Sciences Magnet School in Knoxville, Tenn. The group has developed a reputation as one of the best African dance companies in the Southeast and is one of few dance companies that teaches authentic African dance and drumming. Their performance will include several traditional West African dances.

LogoThe fund-raising event will also include fresh pineapple at the door and raffle prizes.

Project Bokonon, which means “medicine man” in Benin’s native language, was developed by several Wake Forest students in response to their 2001 study abroad trip to Benin as part of the class “Current Issues in African Development” taught by Assistant Professor of Economics Sylvain Boko. The students visited with patients at Pobe

Hospital, an open-air facility with just three doctors caring for more than 110,000 patients. It is also the hospital where Boko, who is now a U.S. citizen, was born. The students started the international service-learning group to bring awareness of African issues to other students and community members.

For more information about the event or how to make tax-deductible donation to Project Bokonon, contact Rosita Najmi at or the Wake Forest economics department at 336-758-5334.

Categories: Arts & Culture, Happening at Wake


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