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WFU calendar of events August-September


Through Sept. 20
“Peruvian Textiles from Past to Present.” Museum of Anthropology. 19th and 20th century Peruvian textiles including complete native outfits and weaving paraphernalia will be on display. Free. Museum hours: 10 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Tues. – Sat. For more information, call 336-758-5282.

Aug. 26 – Oct. 10
“Pixerina Witcherina,” Charlotte and Philip Hanes Art Gallery. Works by contemporary women artists who address the complex history of women and storytelling. The exhibit runs through Oct. 10. Free. Gallery hours: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday – Friday and 1 –5 p.m. on weekends. For information, call 336-758-5585.

Aug. 29
Faculty Recital. Pianist Peter Kairoff and guest violinist Kevin Lawrence. Works by American composers Arthur Foote, Henry Cowell and William Bolcom. 8 p.m. Brendle Recital Hall. Free. For information, call 336-758-5364.


Sept. 2
Divinity School Fall Convocation. Bill J. Leonard, dean of the Divinity School and professor of church history. Given as part of the Divinity School’s fall convocation, this lecture marks the start of the school’s fourth academic year. Dean Leonard will speak on the topic “Changing a Theology: Baptists, Salvation, and Globalism Then and Now.” 11a.m. Wait Chapel. The New Horizon’s Lecture series is a joint effort of the Divinity School and the religion department created to highlight recent publications by faculty members. Dean Leonard’s new book, “Baptist Ways: A History,” was published in June 2003. For information, call 336-758-5121.

Sept. 4
Orion Weiss. Pianist. 8 p.m. Brendle Recital Hall. Secrest Artists Series event. Admission is $15, $12 for students and senior citizens. Wake Forest faculty, students and staff attend free. For tickets or more information, call 336-758-5757.

Sept. 15
Student-directed plays. “Fifty Years Ago” by Murray Schisgal, “Betrayed by Everyone” by Kenneth Lonergan, and “Tinkle Time” by Dana Coen. Fall Studio Series. 7:30 p.m. Ring Theatre. Tickets are $5, $3 for students. For more information, call the Wake Forest Theatre Department at 336-758-5294.

Sept. 16
Student-directed plays. “Fifty Years Ago” by Murray Schisgal, “Betrayed by Everyone,” by Kenneth Lonergan and “Tinkle Time” by Dana Coen. Fall Studio Series. directed-plays. 4:30 p.m. Ring Theatre. Tickets are $5, $3 for students. For more information, call the Wake Forest Theatre Department at 336-758-5294.

Documentary Film. “In My Father’s House” (1997 documentary, 67 min., subtitles). Moroccan filmmaker Fatima Jebli Ouazzani investigates the status accorded women in Islamic marriage customs and the continuing importance of virginity. Discussion led by Wake Forest faculty will follow. 7 p.m. Free. Pugh Auditorium in Benson University Center. The film is sponsored by Wake Forest’s 2003-2004 Fostering Dialogue Theme Year Committee and is part of the film series, “Gender, Identity & Social Change in Moroccan Film.” For information, call 336-758-4696.

Sept. 18
“Camels, Cotton, and Culture: Textile Traditions of the Ancient Andes,” a lecture by Rebecca Stone-Miller, associate professor of art history at Emory University. 7:30 p.m. Museum of Anthropology. Free. The event is part of the “Peruvian Textiles, Past & Present” exhibit that runs through Sept. 20. For information, call 336-758-5282.

Sept. 19
Concert. The Roots. Wait Chapel. Tickets $22.50 for Wake Forest students; $27.50 for the public. On sale beginning Aug. 30 through Ticketmaster or in the Benson University Center ticket office. For information, call 336-758-4869.

Sept. 22
Lecture. Robert Korstad of the Sanford Institute of Public Policy at Duke University will present “Like Being Reconstructed: The Legacy of Labor and Civil Rights Activism in 1940s Winston-Salem.” 6 p.m. Free. Scales Fine Arts Center, Room A102. For information, call 336-758-5501.

Sept. 26-27
“Angels in America” by Tony Kushner. Wake Forest University Theater production. 7:30 p.m. MainStage Theater. Performances continue Oct. 1-5. For ticket information, call 336-758-5295.

Sept. 28
Faculty Recital. Cellist Selina Carter and Pianist Marlene Hoirup, 3 p.m. Brendle Recital Hall. For information, call 336-758-5364.

Sept. 29
“Snakes,” Museum of Anthropology After School Program. Children in grades 1-5. Includes hands-on activities. 4:15 p.m.- 5:30 p.m. Cost is $15. Part of a four-part program, “Critters” that explores how people in various cultures view different animals. Children can participate in an individual session or sign up for all four for a cost of $35. For information or to register, call 336-758-5282.

Sept. 30
Documentary Films. “Boujad: A Nest in the Heat” and “Whispers” (Two films by Hakim Belabbes, 1992/1999, 45 min/15 min, subtitles). “Boujad: A Nest in the Heat” is a personal and anguishing look at issues of separation, independence and return. “Whispers” follows a man’s obsessive search for his lost childhood. Discussion led by WFU faculty to follow. 7 p.m. Free. Pugh Auditorium in Benson University Center. The film is sponsored by Wake Forest’s 2003-2004 Fostering Dialogue Theme Year Committee and is part of the film series, “Gender, Identity & Social Change in Moroccan Film.” For information, call 336-758-4696.

Categories: Happening at Wake


Media Contact

Cheryl Walker