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Fall after-school programs at Anthropology museum

Wake Forest University’s Museum of Anthropology will offer “Exploring World Cultures,” a four-part series of after-school programs for children in grades 1-5 that spotlights creatures that typically make people’s skin crawl. Students will learn how people from other parts of the world feel about particular “critters.”

Programs are scheduled for Sept. 29, Oct. 13 and 27 and Nov. 3. Each session runs from 4:15 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

The series will begin with “Snakes,” Sept. 29, where students will create a cuddly, easy-to-care-for pet snake of their own.

On Oct. 13, the museum will offer “Spiders,” a hands-on program where children will make spiders that have a habit of “dropping in” at the most unexpected times.

“Bats” will be offered on Oct. 27. Children will change from kids to bats as they explore the bat’s role in different areas of the world.

The series will conclude with “Tricksters” Nov. 3. Since many cultures have mischievous “critter-tricksters” in their stories, students will learn about some of these tricksters, their adventures and the lessons learned.

Students can sign up for the whole series or individual sessions. Space is limited to 10 students per session. Cost for the whole series is $35 ($32, museum members). Individual sessions are $15 per session ($12, museum members). To register, call the museum at 336-758-5282 or send an email to Additional information is available on the museum’s Web site,

Categories: Arts & Culture, Community Impact, Happening at Wake


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