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American Brass Quintet to perform at WFU

The American Brass QuintetThe American Brass Quintet, the ensemble Newsweek magazine calls the ‘high priests of brass,” will perform at Wake Forest University at 8 p.m. Oct. 10 in Brendle Recital Hall.

The concert is part of Wake Forest University’s Secrest Artists Series.

The quintet will present an eclectic program including selections from their 45th recording, “A Storm in the Land: Music of the 26th N.C. Regimental Band.”

Founded in 1960, the American Brass Quintet is the longest continuously performing brass quintet in North America. The group has performed at Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center and the Kennedy Center. The group has also toured throughout Europe, Central and South America, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia.

The American Brass Quintet’s current members are: Raymond Mase (who recently taught at North Carolina School of the Arts) and Kevin Cobb, trumpets; David Wakefield, horn; Michael Powell, trombone; and John Rojak, bass trombone.

Performing a repertoire that ranges from Renaissance to contemporary American, the quintet is ensemble-in-residence at both The Juilliard School and The Aspen Music Festival.

The San Francisco Examiner said, “Describe the ideal in brass playing and you’re talking about the kind of sound and ensemble produced by The American Brass Quintet.” Visit the group’s Web site at

Nola Knouse, director of the Moravian Music Foundation, will give a pre-concert talk, “How to Talk about the Civil War,” at 7:10 p.m. in Scales Fine Arts Center, Room 208. The talk is part of the celebration of the theme “Fostering Dialogue: Civil Discourse in an Academic Community” at Wake Forest University this academic year.

Concert tickets are $18 general admission and $15 for non-WFU students and senior citizens. To order, call the Wake Forest Theatre box office at 336-758-5295.

The players of the quintet will also lead workshops for local brass players beginning at 10 a.m. Oct. 11. For more information or to register for the free workshops, contact the Secrest Artists Series office at 758-5757.

Categories: Arts & Culture, Happening at Wake


Media Contact

Cheryl Walker