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WFU Divinity School hosts Emilie Townes for lecture

Emilie TownesEmilie Townes will present “Legends are Memories Greater than Memories” for the 2003 Margaret A. Steelman Lecture Series at Wake Forest University Divinity School Oct. 9 at 4 p.m. in Wingate Hall’s Lower Auditorium.

A native of Durham, N.C., Townes is a theologian with an in-depth understanding of the history of health care in African-American communities who is committed to justice.

An ordained minister of the American Baptist Churches U.S.A., one of the oldest Baptist denominations in the United States, her teaching and research interests focus on Christian ethics, womanist ethics, critical social theory, cultural theory and studies as well as postmodernism and social postmodernism.

She is the author of “Womanist Justice, Womanist Hope” and “In a Blaze of Glory: Womanist Spirituality as Social Witness.” Her most recent book, “Breaking the Fine Rain of Death: African American Health Issues and a Womanist Ethic of Care,” provides a womanist perspective on race, class and gender as it relates to health issues affecting African Americans.

She holds a doctor of ministry degree from the University of Chicago Divinity School and a doctorate in religion in society and personality from Northwestern University. Townes is the Carolyn Williams Beaird Professor of Christian Ethics at Union Theological Seminary.

The lecture is free and open to the public. No registration is required, but seating is limited.

The Steelman Lecture Series was founded by Sanford L. Steelman in honor of his wife, Margaret. The series brings prominent lecturers to the Divinity School on subjects relating to Jewish and Christian theology.

For more information, call the Divinity School at 336-758-3519.

Categories: Happening at Wake, University Announcements


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