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Annual Lovefeast to be held at WFU

Christmas lovefeastWake Forest University will hold its 38th annual Christmas lovefeast and candlelight service Dec.7 at 8 p.m. in Wait Chapel. Craig D. Atwood, theologian-in-residence at Home Moravian Church, and Wake Forest Chaplain Tim Auman will conduct the service.

The Wake Forest Concert Choir, conducted by Brian Gorelick, Wake Forest director of choral ensembles, will perform choral music, including Dan Locklair’s original composition, “O Sing to the Lord a New Song.” They will also lead the congregation in singing carols and the traditional Moravian song, “Morning Star.”

Donald Armitage, Wake Forest organist; the Wake Forest Handbell and Flute Choirs; the Wake Forest Brass Ensemble; the Messiah Moravian Church Band; and carilloneur Allison Jones, a Wake Forest senior, will also perform.

During the service, each person will receive a beeswax candle to be lit at the end of the service. Students and faculty will serve coffee and Moravian buns.

Luminaries will be placed around University Plaza (Quad) by members of Alpha Phi Omega, a service fraternity.

Collection boxes will be placed on the chapel porch to collect blue jeans to be donated to the people of Alajuelita, Costa Rica. Monetary contributions can be made to Prodigals Community and Samaritan Ministries.

The Christmas lovefeast and candlelight service is a custom that originated in Europe in 1747. The first lovefeast in North Carolina was held on the evening of the arrival of the Moravians at Bethabara in 1753.

Wake Forest’s lovefeast was initiated by a Wake Forest student and the Chaplain’s office in 1965. The lovefeast is sponsored by the Chaplain’s office. For more information, call 758-5210.

Categories: Arts & Culture, Community Impact, Happening at Wake


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