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Dunn to address ‘Challenging Religion’ at WFU’s Divinity School convocation

Wake Forest University Divinity School will formally open its first semester of 2004 with its spring convocation Jan. 20 at 11 a.m. in Wait Chapel. James M. Dunn, adjunct professor of Christianity and public policy, will deliver the convocation address.

The topic of Dunn’s speech will be “Challenging Religion.”

Dunn, who says his speech title’s play on words is done by design, will discuss religion that is challenging and the duty to challenge religion. “Our faith, when rightly understood and Biblically interpreted, is a challenging faith that doesn’t approve of or applaud the status quo. By its nature, it afflicts the comfortable and comforts the afflicted. Our religion has also been distorted and perverted for so long that we need to challenge the conventional, traditional, popular understanding of it,” said Dunn.

A former pastor, campus minister and college professor, Dunn began teaching at the Divinity School in September 1999. He was the former executive director of the Baptist Joint Committee on Public Affairs and continues to work part-time for the committee as president of its endowment.

The Baptist Joint Committee deals with issues of religious liberty and separation of church and state for fourteen Baptist conventions and conferences in the United States as well as for several hundred churches.

Dunn has appeared on news programs on all the major television networks and has been a frequent guest on television documentaries. He frequently testifies before congressional committees and is a contributor to several publications and co-author of “Soul Freedom: Baptist Battle Ground,” “Endangered Species” and “An Approach to Christian Ethics and Politics: A Guidebook for Christians.”

The convocation service is free and open to the public.

For more information, call 336-758-3957.

Categories: Happening at Wake, University Announcements


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