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Concerto competition winners perform at WFU orchestra concert

The Wake Forest University Orchestra will present a concert featuring the winners of the Wake Forest Concerto Competition, March 2 at 8 p.m. in Scales Fine Arts Center’s Brendle Recital Hall. The concert is free and open to the public.

The program includes instrumental duets, arias and solos. Part of the program, including the piece “Three Pictures of Modern Life” composed by Wake Forest alumnus Rob Shaw, will be performed by the string orchestra only. The full orchestra will perform the remaining part as well as the piece “Evil Train” by Wake Forest senior Andrew Estel.

The Wake Forest student competition winners are: senior Sofia Rotter, oboe and junior Sasha Enegren, bassoon; seniors Amy McPeters and Alana Morrall, violins; juniors Greg Aikens and Margaret Ashey, trumpets; senior Rebecca Newby, mezzo-soprano; senior Allison Jones, soprano; senior Kate Roberts, soprano; freshman Kristen Settlemire, saxophone; and senior Derek Shore, piano.

The Concerto Competition is held each November to determine which students will play with the orchestra during their annual spring concert.

For more information, call 336-758-5364.

Categories: Arts & Culture, Happening at Wake


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