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N.C. Politics Expert available for comment on John Edwards

Jack Fleer, professor emeritus of political science at Wake Forest University and author of the book “North Carolina Politics,” is available to comment on U.S. Sen. John Edwards’ presidential run. Fleer has been a keen observer of North Carolina politics for more than 30 years, and he has followed Edwards’ career since 1998 when he won the U.S. Senate seat during his first run for office.

Fleer says that Edwards has done extremely well in his bid for the Democratic Party’s nomination. Kerry will likely receive the party nod, Fleer says, but Edwards has made a strong argument for inclusion on the party’s ticket in November.

“One of the key results from all of these primaries has been Edwards’ appeal to the independent voters and moderate Republicans,” Fleer said. “That is going to be a very important thing in winning for the Democrats. They cannot win with their own base. They have got to find support among independents and moderates from the other party.”

With primaries and caucuses in 11 states March 2, Fleer says Edwards could find support in Ohio and New York, where he has spent a lot of time and money. California is hard to predict, Fleer says, because Edwards will clearly appeal to its large working class; however, the war seems to be a bigger issue than jobs for Californians. Edwards has not made the war a primary focus of his campaign.

Contact Fleer directly at 336-758-5865, or through Jacob McConnico at or 336-758-5237 or 5238.

Select quotes from Jack Fleer regarding John Edwards:

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