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Political communication expert available for analysis of Democratic race

A Wake Forest University political communication expert says for U.S. Sen. John Edwards’ to succeed, he must take his skill of talking to the American people in intimate settings and transform it to a much larger scale.

“Television is a hot medium and the ability to move the intimacy of ‘working the room’ to the TV screen is a requisite for success,” says Allan Louden, an associate professor of communication and director of Wake Forest’s nationally ranked debate program. “Television is how candidates campaign and how presidents govern.”

Louden, who is teaching political communication this semester, was the debate coach to one of the North Carolina candidates for U.S. Senate in 2002 and continues to serve as a campaign communication consultant to political figures across the country. He is available for analysis of the Democratic race for the presidential nomination.

Louden is experienced with national print and broadcast media interviews. Contact him directly at, 336-758-5408; or through Sarah Mansell at, 336-758-5237.

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