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Anthropology professor to discuss Navajos of Canyon de Chelly

Jeanne Simonelli, chair of the anthropology department at Wake Forest University, will present “The Diné (Navajos) of Canyon de Chelly” June 29 at the university’s Museum of Anthropology.

The free, public talk will begin at 7:30 p.m.

Simonelli worked as a park ranger in Canyon de Chelly in northeastern Arizona. Her talk will mix stories about her personal experiences there with information about the native history and culture in the region.

The Diné, commonly known as Navajos, have lived as herders for centuries in this area dotted with ancient cliff dwellings. Simonelli and photographer Charles Winters documented the activities and environment of Diné families in Canyon de Chelly in the book “Crossing between Worlds: the Navajos of Canyon de Chelly.”

The talk coincides with the exhibit “Crossing between Worlds: the Diné (Navajos) of Canyon de Chelly,” on display at the museum through July 17. The exhibit, curated by Simonelli, features 25 photographs by Winters.

The Museum of Anthropology is located on the campus of Wake Forest University and is open Tuesday – Saturday, 10 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Call 336-758-5282 for more information or visit

Categories: Arts & Culture, Happening at Wake


Media Contact

Cheryl Walker