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North Carolina, southern politics expert available for comment on Kerry/Edwards ticket

Jack Fleer, professor emeritus of political science at Wake Forest University and author of the book “North Carolina Politics,” is available effective July 7 to comment on U.S. Sen. John Edwards and his selection as Democratic presidential hopeful John Kerry’s running mate for the 2004 election. Fleer, a keen observer of North Carolina politics for more than 30 years, has followed Edwards’ career since he won the U.S. Senate seat in 1998.

Fleer said Edwards brings energy and passion to the presidential race with his appeal to working-class voters who are dealing with everyday, kitchen-table problems like affording a home, health care and daycare. Edwards could provide the boost the Democrats need to appeal to independent voters and moderate Republicans, Fleer said.

“John Edwards emits a passion for his beliefs, his goals and the policies that he supports,” Fleer said. “It’s a passion that some other candidates possess but they don’t communicate as well as someone like Edwards does. Also, Edwards is the only person on both tickets who has changed his life on his own, and he brings an example of how people who are not as well off can improve their lives.”

Fleer said Edwards will play a crucial role in helping the Democrats deliver their message in important regions like the Midwest, and his inclusion on the ticket forces the Republican Party to focus more resources in the South, an area that has traditionally been dependable for the Republicans.

Contact Fleer directly at 336-758-5865, or through Jacob McConnico at or 336-758-5237 or 5238.

Categories: University Announcements


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