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Advisory: WFU’s annual Project Pumpkin to be a ‘Monster Mash’

Project Pumpkin logoUp to 2,500 children from 40 community agencies have been invited to join “The Monster Mash Sweet Sixteen Dance Party” at Wake Forest University’s 16th Annual Project Pumpkin from 3 p.m.-6 p.m. Oct. 28 on University Plaza (Quad) between Wait Chapel and Reynolda Hall.

The event, started by a Wake Forest student in 1989, is sponsored by the university’s Volunteer Service Corps. It is designed to provide safe, Halloween fun for children from invited agencies. It is not open to the general public.

The theme for this year’s event, “The Monster Mash Sweet Sixteen Dance Party,” is a combination 16th anniversary celebration and monster theme. Students from the Wake Forest comedy troupe The Lilting Banshees will be dressed as monsters to entertain the children. Wake Forest’s Demon Deacon will be also be transformed into a “Deacon-stein.” Costumed volunteers will escort children through residence halls for trick-or-treating, and student organizations and academic departments will sponsor carnival games, face painting, haunted houses and other entertainment.

Entertainment in past years has included a popular “mad scientist” show sponsored by the chemistry and physics departments, English majors reading scary stories, and various campus musical groups.

Wake Forest students have been visiting participating agencies since September to give students an opportunity to interact more with the children before they arrive on campus. During these “agency plunges,” student volunteers have been helping children make ghosts to decorate the trees on the Quad during the event.

Food Lion, a long-time supporter of the event, will donate candy.

Wake Forest’s Volunteer Service Corps regularly serves the community through events such as Project Pumpkin, tutoring, mentoring and international service trips.

Morning show segments and interviews with Project Pumpkin organizers and participating agency representatives can be arranged. At the event, media representatives must check in at the media table in front of Wait Chapel to receive a press kit and find out which children cannot be photographed.

To arrange coverage, contact Pam Barrett at 336-758-5237.

Categories: Happening at Wake


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