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April calendar of events

Through May 21
Exhibit: “Spirit Influences on the Arts of Power: The David and Karina Rilling Collection of African Art.” Museum of Anthropology. Features art objects viewed as hosts for spirit powers and emblems of secular and political powers.
10 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Tuesday – Saturday.
Free. (336) 758-5282.

April 3 – May 7
Honors Exhibition: Charlotte and Philip Hanes Art Gallery, Mezzanine Gallery. Weekly individual exhibitions by WFU honors students.
10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday – Friday; 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. weekends.
Free. (336) 758-5585.

April 21 – May 16
Exhibit: “2005 WFU Student Exhibition.” Juried exhibition of painting, sculpture, printmaking, drawing, photography, installations and digital media by Wake Forest art students.
10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday – Friday; 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. weekends.
Free. (336) 758-5585.

April 1-2; 6-10
Play: Twelfth Night. 7:30 p.m. April 1-2 and 6-9; 2 p.m. April 10. MainStage Theatre, Scales Fine Arts Center.
$12 general admission; $5 students. (336) 758-5295.

April 3
Russian Film Series: “White Sun of the Desert.” 7 p.m. Greene Hall, Room 239.
Free. (336) 758-4396.

April 4
Economics Film Series: “Hudsucker Proxy.” 7 p.m. Annenberg Forum, Carswell Hall, Room 111.
Free. (336) 758-5923.

April 5
Poetry Reading: Dennis Sampson, author of “For My Father Falling Asleep at Saint Mary’s Hospital.” 4:30 p.m. DeTamble Auditorium, Tribble Hall.
Free. (336) 758-6143

April 6
Lecture: Gene Golub, “A History of Numerical Linear Algebra.” 4 p.m. West Hall, Room 016.
Free. (336) 758-5453.

Lecture: Claudia Angelleli, “Medical Interpreting & Cross-cultural Communication.” 7 p.m. Pugh Auditorium, Benson University Center.
Free. (336) 758-3924.

April 7
Lunchtime Music Series: Chandler Martin from “The Verdict.” 11 a.m., weather permitting. College Bookstore, University Plaza (Main Quad).
Free. (336) 758-4276.

Lecture: Eduardo Bonilla-Silva, “Racism without Racists: The Sweet Enchantment of Colorblindness.” 3:30 p.m. Greene Hall, Room 162.
Free. (336) 758-5495.

Lecture: Suzanne Juhasz, “Construction of Gender and Sexuality in Emily Dickinson’s Poetry.” 4 p.m. DeTamble Auditorium, Tribble Hall.
Free. (336) 758-3758.

Lecture: Gene Golub, “Solution of Non-Symmetric, Real Positive Linear Systems.” 4 p.m. West Hall, Room 016.
Free. (336) 758-5453.

Great Decisions 2005 Lecture Series. Robert Whaples, “Outsourcing Jobs: U.S. Dilemma.” 7 p.m. Scales Fine Arts Center, Room M306.
Free. (336) 758-1910.

April 7-8
World Premiere Salon Opera: Manuel Garcia’s “L’isola disabitata.” 8 p.m. Brendle Recital Hall.
Free. (336) 758-5370.

April 8 – 10
2005 James Montgomery Hester Philosophy Seminar. 4:30 p.m., April 8 – 10:30 a.m., April 10. Graylyn Conference Center.
$350, includes six sessions, lodging for two nights and meals. Registration required. (336) 758-4086.

April 9
Forum: “Faith-Based Nation: Religion and Democracy in America and the World.” 10 a.m. – noon. Wingate Hall, Lower Auditorium.
Free. (336) 758-3957.

Senior Bassoon Recital. 8 p.m. Brendle Recital Hall. Sasha Gee Enegren, bassoon. Free. (336) 758-5364.

April 10
Russian Film Series: “Prisoner of the Mountains.” 7 p.m. Greene Hall, Room 239.
Free. (336) 758-4396.

April 11
After-School Program: “Oduduwa’s Children.” 4:15 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Museum of Anthropology.
Grades 1-5.
$15/session; $12 members. Registration required. (336) 758-5282.

April 12
Lecture: Don deBethizy, co-author of “Innovation That Fits.” 5 p.m. Worrell Professional Center, Room 1312.
Free. (336) 758-5031.

April 13
Kenan Lecture Series: Phil Kuberski, “Wallace Stevens, Connoisseur of Chaos.” 4:30 p.m. DeTamble Auditorium.
Free. (336) 758-6143.

Concert: Collegium Musicum. 8 p.m. Brendle Recital Hall. Free. (336) 758-5364.

April 14
Visiting Artist Lecture: “Pinhole Photography and Polaroid Positive/Negative Film” with Photographer/Curator Claudia Smigrod. 11 a.m. Scales Fine Arts Center, Room 9.
Free. (336) 758-5585.

Lunchtime Music Series: Winston-Salem Symphony Ensemble. 11 a.m., weather permitting. College Bookstore, University Plaza (Main Quad).
Free. (336) 758-4276.

Great Decisions 2005 Lecture Series. Yomi Durotoye, “Sudan and the War in Darfur.” 7 p.m. Scales Fine Arts Center, Room M306.
Free. (336) 758-1910.

Reading: Dan Chaon, author of “You Remind Me of Me.” 7:30 p.m. DeTamble Auditorium, Tribble Hall.
Free. (336) 758-3366.

April 14-16
Play: “Tales of the Lost Formicans.” 7:30 p.m. Ring Theatre, Scales Fine Arts Center.
$5 general admission; $3 students. (336) 758-5295.

April 15
Faculty Recital: Lorraine DeSimone, mezzo soprano and Peter Kairoff, piano. 8 p.m. Brendle Recital Hall.
Free. (336) 758-5364.

April 16
Secrest Artist Series: Tuscan Sun Festival Tour with the New European Strings Chamber Orchestra. 7:30 p.m. Wait Chapel.
$22; $16 non-WFU students, senior citizens. University Theatre Box Office (336) 758-5295.

April 17
Russian Film Series: “Adam’s Rib.” 7 p.m. Greene Hall, Room 239.
Free. (336) 758-4396.

April 19
Concert: University Jazz Ensemble. 8 p.m. Brendle Recital Hall.
Free. (336) 758-5364.

April 20
Lecture: “Traditional Political Structure in African Societies.” 7:30 p.m. Museum of Anthropology.
Free. (336) 758-5282.

April 21
Lunchtime Music Series: “The Synders.” 11 a.m., weather permitting. College Bookstore, University Plaza (Main Quad).
Free. (336) 758-4276.

Opening Reception: 2005 WFU Student Exhibition. 4 p.m. Charlotte & Philip Hanes Art Gallery, Scales Fine Arts Center. Artists’ prizes awarded at 5 p.m.
Free. (336) 758-5585.

Great Decisions 2005 Lecture Series. Sylvain Boko, “The U.S. and Global Poverty.” 7 p.m. Scales Fine Arts Center, Room A102.
Free. (336) 758-1910.

Concert: University Orchestra Concert. 8 p.m. Brendle Recital Hall.
Free. (336) 758-5364.

April 24
Concert: Student Chamber Music. 3 p.m. Brendle Recital Hall.
Free. (336) 758-5364.

Russian Film Series: “Window to Paris.” 7 p.m. Greene Hall, Room 239.
Free. (336) 758-4396.

April 26
Visiting Artist Lecture: “NY: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly” with Painter/Critic John Serdula. 11 a.m. Scales Fine Arts Center, Room 102.
Free. (336) 758-5585.

Concert: Spring Choral Concert. 8 p.m. Brendle Recital Hall.
Free. (336) 758-5364.

April 27
Concert: University Wind Ensemble. 8 p.m. Brendle Recital Hall.
Free. (336) 758-5364.

April 28
Lunchtime Music Series: “Ron Hunter Blues Band.” 11 a.m., weather permitting. College Bookstore, University Plaza (Main Quad).
Free. (336) 758-4276.

Categories: Happening at Wake


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