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Stories this week at WFU

KEEP YOUR COOL WHEN EXERCISING IN THE HEAT — Don Bergey, a Wake Forest University health and exercise science instructor, says even the most fit gym rat should be wary of the dangers of heat stroke and take steps to prevent it. “You can die from heat stroke,” Bergey said. “If you happen to have a non-fatal case of heat stroke, you make yourself susceptible to it again because you ruin your hypothalamus, the part of your brain that regulates body temperature.” Bergey, who is also the exercise programs director for Wake Forest’s Healthy Exercise & Lifestyle ProgramS (HELPS), advises anyone who wants to take their workouts outside to follow these four basic steps:

Contact: Maggie Barrett, or 336-758-5237.

WAKE FOREST’S 13TH PRESIDENT TAKES OFFICE JULY 1 — Nathan O. Hatch begins his presidency at Wake Forest this week, succeeding retiring President Thomas K. Hearn Jr. The university’s board of trustees announced last January that it had elected Hatch, provost at the University of Notre Dame, as Wake Forest’s 13th president. The new president and his staff are moving into the president’s offices this week in Reynolda Hall. Hatch has scheduled an informal reception for Reynolda Hall staff on Friday morning. Since January, Hatch has made numerous trips to the university to meet with faculty, staff, students, alumni and others.

Contact: Kevin P Cox, or 336-758-5237.

SUMMER CAMPERS EXPERIENCE ARCTIC CHILL — Children who have completed grades 1-5 are taking an imaginary journey to the Arctic during the Museum of Anthropology’s summer camp this week. In “Snow Goggles in the Summer: The Arctic,” children are making snow goggles, “hunting for geese” with bolas and making special Arctic yo-yos. “As we explore past and present artwork, stories, games, and life ways, we will come to appreciate the skill and ingenuity Arctic peoples have used to make a successful life for themselves,” said Kim Robertson, museum educator. The weeklong camp runs from 9 a.m. — noon through July 1 and will be repeated July 11-15.

Contact: Cheryl V. Walker, or 336-758-5237.

HOW PARENTS CAN HANDLE A BULLY — Everyone can think back to elementary school and remember a bully. What should parents do if their child is the bully, rather than the victim? Drew Edwards, adjunct associate professor of psychology at Wake Forest University and author of the book “How to Handle a Hard-to-Handle Kid,” shares techniques parents can use to help curb bullying behavior. Edwards, who has practiced clinical child psychology for more than 30 years, suggests parents avoid using physical punishment, increase adult supervision and examine the example they set for their children when expressing anger. Edwards also advises parents that it is never too early to intervene. Research shows that after age 10, bullying behavior is harder to change as aggressive behavior patterns have become more firmly entrenched.

Contact: Cheryl V. Walker, or 336-758-5237

WFU STUDENTS WORK FOR ‘CHANGE’ IN WINSTON-SALEM — Five Wake Forest students are spending the summer interning with Communities Helping All Neighbors Gain Empowerment (CHANGE), a Winston-Salem community development group. The students are working through the Freedom Summer Project 2005, an internship program sponsored by the Third Reconstruction Institute, which is affiliated with the Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF). The program commemorates the 1964 Freedom Summer, a project of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee and other civil rights groups that brought student and non-student volunteers to Mississippi in an effort to work on voter registration campaigns and advance the cause of the civil rights movement in the South. One additional Wake Forest student is working with Raleigh Organizing for Action & Results (ROAR), a Raleigh group similar to CHANGE. The student interns are available for interviews.

Contact: Jacob McConnico, or 336-758-5237.

GAMES PEOPLE PLAYED FIRST IN ASIA — Many of the most common games in the United States found their way here from other parts of the world. “Asian Games: The Art of Contest,” an exhibit open now through Aug. 16 at Wake Forest’s Museum of Anthropology, highlights the importance of Asia as a source of many games, including chess, backgammon, Parcheesi, playing cards and polo. The exhibit features four categories of games: chance; strategy; memory and matching; and power and dexterity. Card games, board games and ball games are included. The exhibit is structured to suggest the impact of particular games and the cultural values of players. In conjunction with the exhibit, the Museum of Anthropology will host Family Day, featuring games that originated in Asia and refreshments from 1 to 4 p.m. July 9. Admission to the exhibit and Family Day is free.

Contact: Maggie Barrett, or 336-758-5237.

EUROPEAN YOUTH TO VISIT WFU, STUDY CIVIL RIGHTS — Starting July 1, students and teachers from Albania, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania and Serbia will come to Wake Forest to learn, explore and experience American culture and politics. This is the fifth year that Wake Forest will be one of only two universities in the nation to host the Southeast European Youth Leadership Institute (SEEYLI). The program, funded by the U.S. Department of State and the Open Society Institute, is designed to help participants identify challenges and opportunities for developing and supporting civil societies in their native countries. While in Winston-Salem, participants will take classes at Wake Forest on a variety of civil rights topics, as well as experience American social and cultural activities ranging from stays with local families, to a Winston-Salem Warthogs baseball game. The visit will wrap up with an International Debate Festival, culminating in a public debate. High school students in the Winston-Salem area are invited to attend the classes and the International Debate Festival, free of charge. Registration is required.

Contact: Maggie Barrett, or 336-758-5237.

Categories: Happening at Wake, University Announcements


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