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Wake Forest anthropology museum resumes after-school programs

Wake Forest University’s Museum of Anthropology will continue its “Exploring World Cultures” after-school programs for children in grades 1-5 beginning Oct. 10. This fall’s four-part series, titled “Make a Wish,” will explore what other cultures do when people want their wishes to come true. Each program includes a lesson and a hands-on activity.

Programs are scheduled for Oct. 10, Oct. 24, Nov. 7 and Nov. 21 and run 4:15 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

The first program on Oct. 10 is titled, “Wishing for a Miracle.” It will focus on the people of Mexico and how they use objects called “milagros” (miracles) to get a wish granted. Children will make their own milagros.

On Oct. 24, “Wishing to Remember” will celebrate “Dias de los Muertos” (Day of the Dead), an important celebration for people in Mexico who wish to remember loved ones who have died. The ofrenda (altar) is an important part of the holiday. Participants will learn about the ofrenda and then design their own mini ofrendas.

“Wishing for Children” will be offered Nov. 7. During this program, the participants will learn why the Akuaba doll is very important to women in Ghana who wish to have children; afterward, they will make their own Akuabas.

The series will conclude with “Wishing Too Much” on Nov. 21. In this final program, children will learn what various cultures believe happens when people wish too much or become envious of others. They will learn about the “evil eye” and make their own protection against it.

Students can sign up for the whole series or individual sessions. Space is limited to 13 students per session. Cost for the series is $35 ($32, museum members). Individual sessions are $15 per session ($12, museum members).

To register, call 336-758-5282 or send an email to

Categories: Arts & Culture, Community Impact, Happening at Wake


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