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October lecture schedule at WFU

Wake Forest University announces the October schedule for lectures and readings that are open to the public. All events are free.

Oct. 3
“The Ethics of Entrepreneurial Leadership” with Robert Audi, West Hall, Room 121, 4:30 p.m. Robert Audi, the David E. Gallo Chair of Business Ethics at the University of Notre Dame and professor of philosophy. Sponsored by the Office of Entrepreneurship in the Liberal Arts and the philosophy department. (336) 758-3153.

Book reading with Quinn Dalton, Tribble Hall, Ammons Lounge, Room A107, 4:30 p.m. Quinn Dalton, author of “High Strung” and “Bulletproof Girl.” Sponsored by the English department. (336) 758-5383.

Oct. 4
“Contests, Grand Prizes and the Hot Hand,” with Todd McFall, Carswell Hall, Room 118, 4 p.m. Economics workshop with Todd McFall, visiting instructor of economics at Wake Forest. Sponsored by the economics department. (336) 758-5334.

“In a World of War, Dialogue Among the Religions of the World is a Necessity” with Leonard Swidler, Carswell Hall, Annenberg Forum, Room 111, 8 p.m. Leonard Swidler, Professor of Catholic Thought and Interreligious Dialogue at Temple University. Sponsored by the Pro Humanitate Center. (336) 758-5146.

Oct. 6
“RFL or Reading for Life” with Michael Verde, Tribble Hall, Room C216, 4 p.m. Michael Verde, author, teacher, founder and president of Reading for Life. Sponsored by the English department. (336) 758-5383.

“Literature and Society in the First Modern Period, 321 B.C. – A.D. 235,” with Joseph A. Farrell, Benson University Center, Room 407, 4 p.m. reception; 4:30 p.m. lecture.* Joseph Farrell, professor of classical studies and Associate Dean for Arts and Letters at the University of Pennsylvania. Sponsored by Phi Beta Kappa. (336) 758-5331.

“Memory Bridge” with Michael Verde, Kirby Hall, Room B02, 6 p.m. Michael Verde, author, teacher, founder and president of Reading for Life. Sponsored by the Office of Entrepreneurship in the Liberal Arts. (336) 758-3153.

“Politics, Society & Religion under Islam, Christianity & Judaism,” with Charles Kimball, Carswell Hall, Annenberg Forum, Room 111, 7:30 p.m. Charles Kimball, professor of religion at Wake Forest. Sponsored by the Wake Forest Committee onÊOrientation and Lower Division Advising and the Wake Forest Fund for Ethics and Leadership. (336) 758-4859.

Oct. 13
Lecture with James Casebere, Scales Fine Arts Center, Room 102, 4 p.m. James Casebere, artist and photographer. Sponsored by the Student Union. (336) 758-5697.

Oct. 17
Babcock Leadership Series with Ken Thompson, Worrell Professional Center, Room 1312, 2 p.m. Ken Thompson, president, chairman and CEO of Wachovia Corporation. Sponsored by the Babcock Leadership Series Student Committee and External Relations. (336) 758-3778.

Oct. 18
Lecture with Miroslav Volf, Wait Chapel, 4 p.m. Margaret A. Steelman Lecture Series featuring Miroslav Volf, director of the Yale Center for Faith & Culture and the Henry B. Wright Professor of Systematic Theology at Yale Divinity School. Sponsored by the Divinity School. (336) 758-3957.

Oct. 26
Lecture with Julia Butterfly Hill, Benson University Center, Pugh Auditorium, 7:30 p.m. Julia Butterfly Hill, environmental activist, writer and poet. Sponsored by the Student Union. (336) 758-5697.

“Mahler’s Ape: Symphony, Science and the Creative Imagination,” Scales Fine Arts Center, Room M308, 7:30 p.m. Musicologist Morten Solvik. Sponsored by the music department. (336) 758-5364.

Oct. 27
“Literature and the Measure of Thought” with Angus Fletcher, Tribble Hall, Room C216, 4:30 p.m. Angus Fletcher, Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the Graduate School of the City University of New York. Sponsored by the English department. (336) 758-5383.

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