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WFU guest lecturer to discuss dialogue among world religions

Leonard Swidler

Leonard Swidler

Leonard Swidler, professor of Catholic thought and interreligious dialogue at Temple University, will give a lecture titled “In a World of War, Dialogue Among the Religions of the World is a Necessity” at 8 p.m. Oct. 4 at Wake Forest University. The free, public event will be held in the Annenberg Forum in Carswell Hall, Room 111.

Swidler is editor of the Journal of Ecumenical Studies, a publication he co-founded with his wife, Arlene Swidler, in 1964. He is also founder and director of the Institute for Interreligious Intercultural Dialogue and co-founder and director of the Global Dialogue Institute. He holds a Bachelor of Arts from St. Norbert’s College, a Master of Arts from Marquette University, a doctorate from the University of Wisconsin and a degree in sacred theology from Tübingen University in Germany.

He has published more than 180 articles and 60 books, including “Jewish-Christian-Muslim Dialogue,” “From Holocaust to Dialogue: A Jewish-Christian Dialogue between Americans and Germans,” “Buddhism Made Plain,” “For All Life: Toward a Universal Declaration of a Global Ethic,” and “The Study of Religion in the Age of Global Dialogue.”

The talk is sponsored by the university’s Pro Humanitate Center, a project of the Lilly Endowment, and the University Chaplain’s office.

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