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Writers reading series features Quinn Dalton

The Dillon Johnston Writers Reading Series at Wake Forest University will feature author Quinn Dalton at 4:30 p.m. Oct. 3. The reading will be held in Ammons Lounge in Tribble Hall, Room A107.

The reading will be followed by a reception and book signing.

Dalton is the author of the novel “High Strung” and a collection of stories titled “Bulletproof Girl.” Her work has appeared in Glimmer Train, StoryQuarterly, The Kenyon Review, Poets & Writers, and several other publications.

Dalton earned the Pearl 2002 Fiction Prize for her short story “Back on Earth.” Her work will be published in several upcoming anthologies, including “Sex and Sensibility” and “American Girls out on the Town.”

Dalton is a graduate of Kent State University and earned her master’s degree at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. She lives in Greensboro.

For more information on Dalton, visit

The Dillon Johnston Writers Reading Series is sponsored by the English department. All readings are free and open to the public. For more information on the reading, contact John McNally at or at 336-758-3366.

Categories: Arts & Culture, Happening at Wake


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