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March 2010 Faculty Focus


  • Ken Robinson
    received funding from the McDowell House Restoration Committee for his proposal, “Archaeological Investigation, Historic McDowell House, Marion, NC.”



  • Ron Noftle
    received funding from the Dreyfus Foundation for his proposal, “Low Band-Gap Oligomers and Metal Organic Framework Ligands Based on Thiophene.”


  • Mary Dalton
    made a presentation, “From Dad to Mom: Transgendered Motherhood in Transamerica,” as part of the Women’s and Gender Studies Colloquium Series.
  • Steve Giles
    was featured on page 16 in the Spring 2010 Wake Forest Magazine on Faculty Student Engagement.
  • Annegret Hannawa
    has been named an Academic and Community Engagement Fellow.
  • Linda Petrou
    was elected chair of the Forsyth County Board of Health. She has been invited as a guest of the Turkish Cultural Foundation’s Academic Cultural Tour of Turkey in May.
  • Alessandra Beasley Von Burg
    was a guest lecturer, using Skype, for the Contemporary Rhetorical Theory Seminar for the Department of Communication at the University of Nebraska.

Computer Science and Physics

  • Jacque Fetrow
    received funding from the National Institutes of Health and Wake Forest University Health Sciences for her proposal, “Integrin Function in Cartilage.”


  • Jac Heckelman
    received funding from the National Science Foundation and the University of Georgia for his proposal, ‘Delegate Voting at the Constitutional Convention.”


  • Richard Heard
    presented a concert for the Elizabeth City State University Lyceum Series. The Daily Advance reported that as a tenor he is “in the top ranks among the new, young generation of concert singers.”
  • Peter Kairoff
    presented a paper dealing with the music of 20th Century composers Arnold Schoenberg and Luigi Nono at a conference at the Querini Stampalia Foundation in Venice, Italy. His co-presenter was Nuria Schoenberg Nono, the daughter of Schoenberg and widow of Nono.
  • Dan Locklair
    has a new CD, “The Music of Dan Locklair,” of organ music performed by Marilyn Keiser. It is available in the Wake Forest Bookstore.


  • Daniel Kim-Shapiro
    received funding from the National Institutes of Health and the University of Pittsburgh for his proposal, “Storage Lesion in Banked Blood Due to Disruption of Nitric Oxide Homeostasis.”

Romance Languages

  • Patricia Swier
    published a book, “Hybrid Nations: Gender Troping and the Emergence of Bigendered Subjects in Latin American Narrative” (Farleigh Dickinson University Press, November 2009).

School of Divinity

  • Jill Crainshaw
    gave the vice presidential address, “Wording Wisdom: The Wise, Strange, and Holy Work of Worship,” for the North American Academy of Liturgy in Milwaukee, WI. She will serve as president for 2010.

School of Law

  • Alan Palmiter
    co-published a book, “Corporations: A Contemporary Approach” (West, December 2009).


  • Thomas DuBose
    (internal medicine) has been elected to the Board of Regents of the American College of Physicians.
  • Carlos Ferrario
    (surgical sciences, physiology and pharmacology) was honored by the Consortium for Southeastern Hypertension Control for contributions to the Renin-Angiotensin System and the causes of high blood pressure.
  • Dwayne Godwin
    (neurobiology and anatomy) and a colleague won an international competition created by the National Science Foundation in the category of “International Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge.” Their comic strip created for educational and journalistic purposes, “Brain Development,” tells how the brain develops.
  • Stephen Kramer
    (psychiatry and behavioral medicine) was inducted into the American College of Psychiatrists.
  • William Little
    (cardiology and internal medicine) has been appointed chair-elect of the cardiovascular disease subspecialty board of the American Board of Internal Medicine.

Categories: Research & Discovery


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