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August 2010 Staff News


Paul Bright, assistant director of the Hanes Art Gallery, is exhibiting his works of collage, “Suono e Carta” (“Sound and Paper’) during September at Belriguardo, the Renaissance estate of the Este family outside of Ferrara, between Venice and Bologna, Italy.


Jeff Bzdelik, new men’s basketball coach, was featured in a Winston-Salem Journal article, “School, town, have impressed WFU’s Bzdelik.”

Jerry Haas is heading into his 14th year as men’s golf coach. He was featured in an article, “Golf remains in Jerry Haas’ blood,” in the Belleville News-Democrat.

Ron Wellman, director of athletics, was quoted in the Winston-Salem Journal about the IMG deal for ISP Sports. ISP has partnered with WFU since 1992.


Zella Johnson is celebrating 30 years in the Department of Biology, serving as its administrative assistant. She will be retiring October 1 to devote time to her ministerial work.

Campus Kitchen

Shelley Graves recently served as an advisor for a student service trip to South Africa.

Campus Ministry

Fr. Charles Jagodzinski has been named Catholic campus minister. He previously served at the Basilica of St. Stanislauas and St. Hyacith Senior Friars in Chicopee, Mass. Fr. Jude is now at Catholic University of America.

Communications and External Relations

Ken Bennett, University Photographer, won two awards for undergraduate admissions publications in the annual competition sponsored by the University Photographers Association of America. The admissions search piece won third place in the General Publications photography, and the admissions viewbook won second place in the viewbooks photography category. The publications were edited by Cherin Poovey and designed by Sherry Simmons.

University Advancement

Greg Banks has been named a Wake Forest Fellow in the alumni office/reunions program. He is a 2009 chemistry graduate of Wake Forest.

Molly Griffin has been named regional director of development for Atlanta. She is a 2002 WFU graduate.

Mike Haggas has joined the University as director of development for the Schools of Business. He was previously director of development for the Trulaske College of Business at the University of Missouri.

Maria Henson has been hired as an associate vice president and editor-at-large. Henson, a 1982 alumna, will work to expand the vision and reach of Wake Forest Magazine.

Brian Lenker has been named regional director of development for the northeast, focusing on New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Philadelphia.

Brad McIlwain has begun work as regional director of development for the northeast, focusing on Philadelphia, New Jersey, New York City, Connecticut and Boston.

Adam Parker has been named a Wake Forest Fellow on the giving societies team. He is a 2009 political science and history graduate of Wake Forest.

Mark Russell has been named a Wake Forest Fellow on the giving societies team. He is a 2009 communication graduate of Wake Forest.

Kellyn Springer has been named a Wake Forest Fellow in the alumni services office. She is a 2009 political science graduate of Wake Forest.

Wade Stokes has assumed the new role of regional director of development for Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill, NC.

Kate Yandell and Mark Holcomb Reece III, the grandson of the late dean of Men Mark Reece, were married on June 26 at Saint Mary’s Chapel in Raleigh.


Staff members who are observing anniversaries of their employment.
(Recognition is for one year and for five through 50 years at five-year intervals.)

August 2010 Recognition

35 Years

Doug Bland, Athletics: Associate Athletic Director

30 Years

Zella Johnson, Biology: Administrative Assistant

25 Years

Karen Bennett, Dean of Wake Forest College: Director, Academic Advising
Mary Gerardy, Campus Life: Associate Vice President and Dean
Jay Lawson, Music: Technical Manager, Brendle Recital Hall/Wait Chapel

20 Years

Brigett Beck, Z. Smith Reynolds Library: Library Specialist III
Kevin Cox, Communications and External Relations: Director of Communications
Candide Jones, University Press: Assistant Director
Nancy Metcalf, Center for International Studies: Administrative Assistant
Nancy Respess, Dean of the College, Summer: Assistant to Associate Deans
Natascha Romeo, Student Health Services: Health Educator
Lizzie Wallace, University Stores: Assistant Textbook Manager

15 Years

Todd Edwards, Information Systems: Director – IT Infrastructure
Tanya Johnson, Facilities & Campus Services: Custodian
Jeff Muday, Biology: Instructional Technology Analyst
Ching-Wan Yip, Physics: Instructional Technology Analyst

10 Years

Sandra Ashley, Graylyn Conference Center: Server
Carroll Burnette, Facilities & Campus Services: Plant Operator
Angie Elsea, Information Systems: Change & Metrics Coordinator
Demetrius Gibson, Athletics: Assistant Equipment Manager
Phil Hendrix, Purchasing: Director
Chris McLaughlin, Information Systems: Project Manager
Irene Picconi, Romance Languages: Staff Assistant
Bonnie Rae, Athletics: Administrative Assistant, Football
Buffi Vestal, Financial & Accounting Service: Payroll Coordinator

5 Years

Mike Buddie, Athletics: Associate Director, Development/Major Gifts
Phyllis Clodfelter, Undergraduate Admissions: Technical Support Assistant
Jill Gaukstern, Health & Exercise Science: Exercise Coordinator
Amber Larsen, Athletics: Assistant Coach, Men’s Track & Cross Country
Nicole Rodriguez Pastor, Residence Life & Housing: Assistant Director
Dennis Whittington, Facilities & Campus Services: Custodian
Chad Willis, Athletics: Assistant Coach, Women’s Volleyball

1 Year

Caitlin Berry, Art: Post-Bacc Gallery Manager
Tammy Burke, Dean of Wake Forest College: Administrative Coordinator
Dawn Cadd, Purchasing: Buyers Assistant
Andy Chan, Career Services: Vice President for Career Development
Darcy Delph, Information Systems: Wake Forest Fellow
Anna Dulin, Z. Smith Reynolds Library: Library Specialist III
Blake Edmunds, Athletics: Ticket Sales Consultant
Cami Fife, Dean of Wake Forest College: Administrative Assistant
Nate French, Dean of Wake Forest College: Director, Magnolia Scholars Program
Emily Goodson, Schools of Business: Assistant Director, MA Career Counseling
Sylvia Green, Schools of Business: Director of Marketing
Mary Heggie, Information Systems: Database Administrator, Lead
Christy Hill, Facilities & Campus Services: Administrative Assistant
Laura Hill, University Stores: Sales Associate, Deacon Shop
Kathy Idol, Financial Aid Office: Communications Coordinator/Financial Aid Counselor
Hansford Johnson, Schools of Business: Director of Mentorship Program
Ashley Jones, Residence Life & Housing: Coordinator, Residence Education
Michael Lepore, Athletics: Videographer, Men’s Basketball
Alta Mauro, Multicultural Affairs: Director
Maria Paredes, Counseling Center: Staff Counselor
David Patterson, Schools of Business: Assistant Dean of Administration
Satoko Suzuki, Dean of Wake Forest College: Counselor
Frank Thomas, Facilities & Campus Services: Director, Custodial Services
Cynthia Tucker, Facilities & Campus Services: Warehouse Assistant
Tiffany Waddell, Dean of Wake Forest College: Counselor
Daniel Walters, Athletics: Assistant Coach, Men’s Golf
Gregory White, Athletics: Assistant Athletic Trainer
Seth Youngblood, Dean of Wake Forest College: Academic Counselor

Categories: University Announcements


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Wake Forest News