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Lighting up the holiday season

Bundled up against the cold and wind, the campus community gathered for the annual Lighting of the Quad on Hearn Plaza on Dec. 1.

The tradition included a cappella performances, student speakers and a candle lighting ceremony. Students passed the light of their candles, from one to the other, around the circle until the Quad was lit by candlelight. A 12-foot Frasier Fir in the front of Reynolda Hall was lit as part of the celebration.

Campus organizations decorated wreaths hanging on the lamp posts surrounding Hearn Plaza as a reminder of the holiday season. In the spirit of Pro Humanitate, blankets were collected for those in need.

Also, Jewish students, faculty and staff opened Hanukkah by lighting a six-foot menorah at the stage on Manchester Plaza, something they will do each night through Dec. 8. The menorah, recently purchased through the University Chaplain’s Office, is the largest in Winston-Salem. The services will be led by Wake Forest’s Jewish student group, Hillel.

“This will mark the start of what we hope to be an annual tradition at Wake Forest and will undoubtedly lead to other new traditions as our community celebrates its pluralism and diversity,” said Rabbi Michael Gisser, who was recently hired as the first associate chaplain for Jewish life, a new part-time position in the Chaplain’s Office.

Read more about the Hanukkah lighting schedule

Categories: Happening at Wake


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