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Media Advisory: Wake Forest University alumni fight against childhood hunger

Who: Wake Forest alumni, staff and parents will work at the Second Harvest Food Bank of Northwest North Carolina to fight childhood hunger in the Winston-Salem community.

When:  Saturday, May 9 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.

What:  During Pro Humanitate Day (which takes its name from Wake Forest’s motto, meaning “for humanity”), Wake Forest alumni are volunteering in 22 cities across the country (including seven N.C. cities) to address issues of hunger and food insecurity. The Winston-Salem volunteers will collect and sort food.

Those who would like to support Pro Humanitate Day but are unable to participate on May 9 are encouraged to donate to the local food pantry or show support on social media using the hashtag #GoodWearsBlack.

Why: Wake Forest alumni want to make a difference in their communities by addressing hunger issues.

According to the North Carolina Association of Feeding America Food Banks:

Note:  Wake Forest alumni will also volunteer in Greensboro with the Stamp Out Hunger initiative to sort food donations from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the following Post Office locations:  201 N. Murrow Blvd., 1585 Yanceyville St., and 2300 Soabar St.


Categories: University Announcements


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