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Conference on women and girls of color

On April 29 and 30 the Anna Julia Cooper Center at Wake Forest will host a national gathering focused on advancing justice for women and girls of color, bringing together researchers, practitioners, philanthropic leaders, policymakers, and young women leaders for an intensive series of discussions about the circumstances, challenges, and opportunities facing women and girls of color.

“Know Her Truths: Advancing Justice for Women & Girls of Color” is a key part of an ongoing, collaborative initiative to develop a meaningful research agenda addressing women and girls of color.  While this event shares some characteristics of a traditional academic conference, it is intentionally broader. Presenters will engage in conversations across disciplines, beyond the boundaries of the traditional academy, and with a focus on meaningful policy impact. The event will focus on a range of issues including school discipline, gun violence, reproductive justice, the sexual abuse-to-prison pipeline, and careers in STEM fields.

The event will be held Friday, April 29, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Saturday, April 30 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in Benson University Center. Nearly 100 speakers and panelists representing more than 60 organizations and institutions will participate in the event. The full agenda and list of speakers are available on the Know Her Truths website.

The conference is full, but the event will be livestreamed here. You can also follow the conversation at #KnowHerTruths.

Wake Forest’s Anna Julia Cooper Center is an interdisciplinary center that supports, generates, and communicates innovative research at the intersections of gender, race, and place. The Center is led by Maya Angelou Presidential Chair Melissa Harris-Perry.

“This conference is part of the continuing commitment of the Anna Julia Cooper Center to offer leadership, partnership, and engagement as part of a growing national movement to center women and girls of color in scholarly inquiry,” said Harris-Perry. “The generous investment of the Ms. Foundation for Women and the Office of the Provost has made this critical gathering possible. We hope the hundreds of conference attendees and thousands who join via live stream will find this a substantive opportunity for intersectional inquiry, deep community engagement, and meaningful policy translation.”

Categories: Community Impact, Research & Discovery


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