WFU awards and recognitions briefs

Wake Forest professor awarded NEH fellowship
The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) announced it has awarded a fellowship to Nate Plagemen, associate professor of history, to support his completion of a book titled “State Planning and City Life in Western Ghana, 1900-1970.” His was one of 74 fellowships announced for 2018 by the NEH. Plagemen said the book “is a longitudinal study of Sekondi-Takoradi, a small coastal settlement that became the West African nation of Ghana’s principal port and first “planned city.”
WFU named to Princeton Review’s list of ‘Colleges That Pay You Back’
Wake Forest University has been named to The Princeton Review’s 2018 edition of “Colleges That Pay You Back: The 200 Schools That Give You the Best Bang for Your Tuition Buck” (Penguin Random House / Princeton Review Books). The Princeton Review chose the schools based on return on investment ratings it tallied for 658 schools last year. The ratings covered everything from academics, cost and financial aid to graduation rates and alumni salaries and job satisfaction.
Wake Forest Residence Life and Housing staff member, students honored
The Office of Residence Life and Housing is celebrating honors recently received by a staff member and two RAs. The National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH) named Sarah Magness as North Carolina’s advisor of the month. Magness is residence life coordinator for South Campus and advisor to the Wake Forest chapter of NRHH.
The NRHH also recognized two students. Jakayla Williams, a junior anthropology major, was named North Carolina’s executive board member of the month. Shelby Halliman, a junior communications major and film studies minor, was named North Carolina’s resident advisor of the month.
Categories: Enrollment & Financial Aid, Experiential Learning, Research & Discovery, University Announcements
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