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Apr. 12 WSPD update: Suspect arrested for the murder of Najee Ali Baker

The Winston-Salem Police Department just released information about the arrest of Jakier Shanique Austin, who has been charged in the Jan. 20 shooting death of Najee Ali Baker following a party at the Barn on Wake Forest’s campus.

Additionally, Wake Forest University President Nathan O. Hatch released the following statement:

“I would like to express my solemn gratitude for the diligent work of the Winston-Salem Police Department, the U.S. Marshals Service and other law enforcement agencies for bringing this part of the case to closure. Their tireless efforts, in cooperation with the Wake Forest University and Winston-Salem State University Police Departments, will help our campus communities continue to heal. Our deepest condolences remain with Mr. Baker’s family and friends.”

Categories: University Announcements