Wake Forest hosts Freedom School

This summer, Wake Forest University’s education department will host Freedom School, a program for elementary and middle-school students aimed at strengthening children’s reading skills and closing achievement gaps.
The Wake Forest program, part of a national initiative developed by the Children’s National Defense Fund, will serve 100 students in grades 3 through 8 and runs from June 24 to July 31.
“It’s important to have young people involved with reading all summer,” said Danielle Parker Moore, an assistant professor of education at Wake Forest and the site coordinator.
“We aim to prevent summer learning loss. Over the last few years, we have been able to demonstrate a four- to five-month gain in reading in six weeks.” Danielle Parker Moore, assistant professor of education
Wake Forest students and recent graduates, as well as students from UNC and Salem College, will serve as classroom teachers. At 8:30 a.m. each morning, students gather for Harambee – an opening session featuring motivational cheers and chants. Students and local community members read books aloud to reinforce literacy skills and foster a love of reading. The Campus Kitchen, a campus service organization, will provide breakfast and lunch to participants and student-athletes will lead some of the enrichment activities. The program runs from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day.
“Students who spend time on campus can see themselves going to college in the future,” Parker Moore said.
The program, available to families at no cost, is at capacity this year.
Media are invited to cover. Contact the Wake Forest news office for a schedule of activities and location information.
Categories: Alumni, Community Impact, Experiential Learning
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