WFU in the news: Feb. 6-12, 2023
Selected news clips courtesy of the Wake Forest News & Communications team

Wake Forest University celebrates Founders Day
By Keri Brown | Wake Forest News
Two long-time members of the Winston-Salem community will be recognized during Founders Day on Feb.16 at 4 p.m. in Wait Chapel. Senior Vice President and General Counsel Reid Morgan (’75, JD ’79) and Professor Emeritus of English and Provost Emeritus for Wake Forest University Ed Wilson (‘43). Morgan will be awarded the Medallion of Merit, the University’s highest honor. – 2/07/2023
Biden claims green-job surge in State of the Union
By Rachel Koning Beals | Morningstar
Wind and solar jobs tend to offer higher pay than many industries, and the jobs – like those drilling and processing oil and gas, or maintaining rigs – pay competitively without necessarily requiring a college degree. Green jobs tend to be created in occupations that pay about 21% more than the average U.S. salary, said researchers E. Mark Curtis, an economics professor at Wake Forest University, and Ioana Marinescu, who teaches at the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Social Policy & Practice, in a report shared by the National Bureau of Economic Research. – 2/08/2023
97 ways to show someone you appreciate them
By Kaitlin Vogel | The Citizen (Rockdale and Newton Counties)
It is easy to remind ourselves of the old adage that nobody is perfect when we accidentally say something wrong that could have been construed as mean, rude or offensive. It is more difficult to remember when we are the target of an insensitive comment or inadvertent slight, said counseling professor Nathaniel Ivers. – 2/07/2023
Wake Forest wins national award for its unique start-up coaching method
By Jesse Schwartz | Tech Transfer Central
The Entrepreneurship Center at Wake Forest University (WFU) has earned a national innovation award for a teaching method it uses to help students discover their best start-up ideas. The United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) gave the 2023 Excellence in Pedagogical Innovation Award to the WFU Entrepreneurship Center in honor of IDEATE, a multi-step approach to start-up creation developed by the center’s executive director Dan Cohen. – 2/08/2023
Cooper veto powers may face first 2023 test in NC House protest bill
By Richard Craver | Winston-Salem Journal
Early test HB40 is likely to be the “first of many occasions over the next two years when the governor is going to face a difficult choice,” said politics professor John Dinan, who is a national expert on state legislatures. “The choice will be whether to issue a veto and put pressure on Democratic house members to back his veto — and perhaps without success — or whether to allow measures to become law, with or without his signature, and save his veto for another day.” – 2/07/2023
Community Milestones
Winston-Salem Journal
A $10,000 National Endowment for the Arts Challenge America grant will help support a collaboration between Wake Forest University and Loire Valley Theater Festival to bring the civil rights musical drama, “Turning 15 on the Road to Freedom,” to Wake Forest University in October 2023. “Turning 15 on the Road to Freedom” tells the story of the young people in Selma, Ala., who risked their lives in 1965 to win the right to vote for African Americans. – 2/11/2023
Community Milestones
Winston-Salem Journal
Wake Forest will celebrate its annual Founders Day on Feb. 16 at 4 p.m. in Wait Chapel. Two longtime members of the Winston-Salem community will be recognized during the event. Senior Vice President and General Counsel Reid Morgan and Professor emeritus of English and provost emeritus for Wake Forest University Ed Wilson. Morgan will be awarded the Medallion of Merit, the university’s highest honor. For more than 40 years, Morgan has provided legal counsel across the spectrum of university activities and initiatives. Morgan announced in December his plans to retire in June 2023. – 2/11/2023
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